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RFrequencyTableOR(String,Series,Double[]) Method
See Also 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace > StatisticalEngine Class > RFrequencyTableOR Method : RFrequencyTableOR(String,Series,Double[]) Method

The name of the series which will be displayed on the chart, i.e. its label.
A statistical series.
A strictly increasing sequence of boundaries of the intervals over the real line in which the data sets point will be assigned.
Calculates the relative frequency table for a discrete data set in accordance with the open right boundary (ORB) convention.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Overloads Public Shared Function RFrequencyTableOR( _
   ByVal seriesName As String, _
   ByVal s As Series, _
   ByVal boundaries() As Double _
) As Series
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim seriesName As String
Dim s As Series
Dim boundaries() As Double
Dim value As Series
value = StatisticalEngine.RFrequencyTableOR(seriesName, s, boundaries)
public static Series RFrequencyTableOR( 
   string seriesName,
   Series s,
   double[] boundaries


The name of the series which will be displayed on the chart, i.e. its label.
A statistical series.
A strictly increasing sequence of boundaries of the intervals over the real line in which the data sets point will be assigned.


The relative frequency table normalized the data with regard to the size of the data set before evaluating the frequency table is exactly the same fashion as StatisticalFrequencyTableOL.

Further Explanation

If we are comparing two or more data sets then the frequencies should be normalized to reflect the possible different sizes of the data sets themselves. To normalize a data set we much first divide the data set into a collection of classes into which the elements are assigned. Here we assign the data set in accordance with the open right boundary convention where the class frequencies are just the number of elements within each of the sub-intervals of the real line in accordance with the open right boundary convention (see example below).

To evaluate the relative frequency we apply the following formula to each class:

Relative frequency = (class frequency) / (total frequency)

where the class frequency is the number of data points within a given sub-interval of the real line, and the total frequency is the total number of elements within the data set considered.

Example Illustration the Open Right Boundary Convention

Consider the set of boundaries { b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5 }, where b_1 < b_2 < b_3 < b_4 < b_5, which divide the real line into six sub-intervals. Now if we use the open right boundary convention then the real line will be divided into the sub-intervals:

(-infinity, b_1), [b_1,b_2), [b_2,b_3), [b_3,b_4), [b_4,b_5), [b_5, infinity)

Note that, each point on the real line can be assigned to one of these sub-intervals and therefore when assigning a data point to one of these intervals there will only be one sub-interval in which it belongs.

See Also